Saturday, December 24, 2011

On our way to India…try a visit to a Bavarian Christmas Village! By Mike, 12/18 -20

Cami, Luke and I left California on 12/17 to meet up with Cate and Hollie with a 2-day stop at my Sisters home, which is about an hour south of Frankfurt. The goal here was to get a dose of classic German Christmas and the last blast of cold weather before heading to the tropic of Capricorn and we were not disappointed!

Michelstadt, Bavaria
We FINALLY landed in Frankfurt in the morning with Luke and Cami staying awake nearly the entire flight…needless to say, they were extremely tired when we landed and any plans for shopping and eating were soon put on hold as each traded off jet lag power naps. 

Cami and Luke with my Sister, Renate
That evening we went to a Bavarian village called Michelstadt where they deck out the entire town as a Christmas Village where vendors set up craft booths and Gluwine! We had a wonderful time visiting, eating, and even a little more shopping to buy last minute gifts before the flight to Delhi at 10:00pm on the 19th.

Luke with Seth and Arjun Saxena
We met up with the Saxena family at the airport and commenced another sleepless all night flight landing in Delhi at 9:00am. Upon arrival we me the Destination Himalaya team who lavished us with drinks and an Indian flower necklaces as we transferred to yet another 4 hour flight to Cochin.

In Cochin we got into a bus that took us the rest of the 2.5 hours on BUMPY Kerala roads filled with bikes, motorcycles, busses, and Tuk-Tuk’s. We ended up at the resort in the dark but ready for a hearty dinner and FINALLY meet up with a very relaxed looking Cate and Hollie!

1 comment:

  1. Michelstadt is NOT a town in Bavaria!!! It´s in HESSEN! Please change these mistake! THX
